Wednesday, July 8, 2015


We were at the Homestead Hollow Spring Festival over the weekend. Sold a bunch of soap, ate too much, heard some good music, scoped out everyone else's cameras, and met several blog readers. Thanks for coming by!

There's a sheep under there somewhere.

One of my favorite parts of Homestead is watching the Burrells' demonstrations. I forgot my camera and thought I'd missed the sheep shearing, but they did another one on Sunday.

The proverbial black sheep, Malachi.


The previous days' work.

She was clearly trying to tell me something, I just don't know what.

Their eyes are fascinating.

The uncorrupted offspring of the ewes and rams.*

Nothing to do with sheep, I just loved this rhododendron.

*Every time I saw the lamb it reminded me of this line from a John Wesley Harding song.

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