Thursday, December 22, 2011

Back from Bantayan Island!

Hi! I'm just back today from Bantayan Island in the north of Cebu, Philippines.

Dutchman and I stayed there for a week and my family also stayed there for a long weekend. After the laid back snail pace island life I am now again caught in the chaotic mess (read: traffic and just disorganization on the streets) in Cebu. I don't think I can ever live again in Cebu... but oh well you never know...

Anywho, here are some teaser fotos we took in Bantayan Island. The island is gorgeous! It takes about 3 hours drive to Hagnaya Port from Cebu City and then 1 hour boat ride to Sta. Fe, Bantayan Island. A total of 4 hours travel time to get there from Cebu City.

To check out where Bantayan Island is situated in the Visayas Region (central part of the Philippines), go here: Bantayan Island

I will post more beautiful fotos of Bantayan Island and more stories too when I am back in the Netherlands.

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