Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hallo kwartfinale!

With the win against Slovakia this afternoon, the Netherlands’ Oranje Team are on to the Quarter Finals of the Football World Cup in South Africa!

I’ve become a football fan this season and the Dutchman just can’t believe it haha. He’s not really into football but he watches the important games like the European Championship and the World Cup for example. Other than that he doesn’t really care much and wouldn’t be caught dead wearing orange and flying the Dutch flag during a football match.

There will be more orange fever and orange madness coming soon in this country, and I know for sure the supermarkets will go crazy on their orange giveaways, as well as the advertisements on TV will just get worse.

I’m a fan of Dutch advertising and marketing, they really embrace the concept of guerilla marketing, with a touch of sarcasm. Can’t wait!

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