Sunday, August 16, 2009

Prague by Night

I did an evening stroll in the Old Town Square (Staroměstské Náměstí). The glittering Christmas lights are lovely and the dramatic backdrop of the Church of Our Lady Before Tyn is an enchanting sight to behold.

The beautiful sight before me made me remember of my encounter with a Filipina businesswoman on the plane. This was years ago and I have mentioned her previously in this blog. Her husband just recently died, and she end destination is Prague. She and her husband have traveled the Eastern bloc during his healthy years, unfortunately missing out Prague in the list. She said that her husband has always told her that they need to go to Prague. So with her husband gone, she feels the responsibility of realizing his final travel wish: A visit to Prague.

She showed me his picture in her wallet. She said that she made sure she brought his picture along so she can feel he is with her. She is therefore not alone.

Anyway, here is Prague by Night:

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