Monday, May 11, 2009

Zwarte Pieten in Utrecht

This week has been pretty busy. Last week of the month, although there is still Monday as the last day, but most of the work was done. What can I say—STRESS. I’m gonna need some spa weekenders.

Anyway, I was in Rotterdam meeting an old friend. Rotterdam isn’t really my cup of tea but I’ll reserve this as a separate topic, soon. Another weekend highlight is the birthday of my nichtje, and we are not over yet with the Dutch family birthday season. This is going strong until mid January! lol

And today Sunday, I initially planned on going to the Fluweelengrot Christmas market in Valkenburg, Limburg but thought I’ll pass for now so spent the afternoon shopping in Utrecht instead for Sinterklaas, which is already next weekend. Time fly so fast, I’m still in the November mode.

I came across a band of Zwarte Pieten in Hoog Catharijne (ugly mall which I believe will soon be renovated or demolished as part of a bigger plan, I prefer to shop along the Oudegracht and surroundings anyway). As per Dutch tradition these zwarte pieten are elves, Sinterklaas avid helpers and they are black from the soot, from crawling in and out of chimneys.

Check out the cute little kids enjoying the zwarte pieten... I think kids enjoy Sinterklaas because of Zwarte Piet, toch?

I know there is a mad vicious cycle *ad nauseam* (yawn) debate amongst foreigners here in the Netherlands that happens yearly around November until 5 December on the subject of Zwarte Piet (Black Piet): Racism or Not? Honestly, I think some people are just damn too sensitive. We are in Holland for Christ's sake, traditions practiced here are obviously not the same from where we are from. The key here is placing things and in this case—events and places, in proper perspective.

Personally, I don’t see any issue on the rambunctious Zwarte Piet. He is fun actually and the kids adore him to pieces, more than Sinterklaas.

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